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Sponsoring TSConf 2021

Stack Builders is proud to sponsor the 2021 edition of TSConf

At Stack Builders, we adopted TypeScript in its early stages to take advantage of compile-time type checking when building unique and creative solutions for our clients. It’s no secret that expressive-type systems do not only help avoid bugs but also help engineers to work effectively in large codebases.

Many of us on the engineering team contribute to the TypeScript community through open source, tutorials, or conferences. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Stack Builders is one of the sponsors for the upcoming TSConf conference.

Moreover, Nataly Rocha, one of our favorite TypeScripters, prepared a "Type-Safe and Single-Table Design with NoSQL Databases and TypeScript" workshop. All conference attendees will receive early and ongoing access to it through 9/30.

We invite you to join this talented group of presenters to widen your knowledge and make new friends! Check out the list of speakers, agenda, and registration at the TSConf conference page. We hope to see you on September 10th.

Published on: Sep. 7, 2021

Written by:

Software Developer

Fernanda Andrade