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DevOps in Nashville 2023

A summary of my experience speaking at DevOpsDays Nashville, sharing Stack Builders' shift to serverless. Engaging discussions, new connections, and Nashville's charm made it memorable

I was accepted to attend the DevOpsDays conference in Nashville in April of this year. This annual conference, originally scheduled to take place nearly 2 years ago, finally came to fruition despite the delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

I was very excited because this conference marked a milestone in my career. It was the first time I participated as a speaker, and it was the first time Stack Builders was part of a conference entirely focused on DevOps.

Our participation in this conference was particularly meaningful, allowing us to share our insights into migrating from traditional architectures to emerging technologies such as containerization and serverless solutions. While our focus was not to get deep into the technical side, we emphasized strategic planning and resource optimization to avoid any adverse impacts on our clients' goals.

Throughout our talk, we covered the challenges encountered and lessons learned while transitioning our clients' project infrastructures toward more reliable and scalable architectures.

My presentation was scheduled for the second day of the conference, so during the first day, I got to know other speakers and participated in the "open spaces" sessions. I had the opportunity to engage in passionate discussions such as the true nature of CI/CD and how the DevOps methodology contributes to organizational and project efficiency.

My talk, titled "Lift & Shift: Our Journey to Serverless," narrated our story of overcoming modernization challenges and addressed how we can organize highly complex migration tasks and make the most of cutting-edge technologies.

I believe one of the conference's main benefits was the opportunity to build relationships and connect with the DevOps community. We validated that our direction aligns with the industry and best practices.

In summary, this experience was truly unique, and Nashville proved to be an exceptional city to host the event.

Stay tuned for more amazing experiences from the DevOps team that are about to come.

Published on: Dec. 13, 2023

Written by:

Nicolas Vivar

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